This is the last of my words for the girl that I once knew-



As another night closes and another day edges closer, I repeat the same thought over like a tape.


No matter the many ways I look to find a solution, an answer, the harder life becomes



When a mother brings a child into the world, she ties a permanent cord that no other can see. 

This is her space, it feeds from her womb and breathes her air. It is a personal and very intimate attachment and though at times the cord is stretched beyond imaginable flexibility, the mother still holds tight at the other end. 





She will endure all the hurt, blood sweat and the tears, the ridicule and the sorrow thrown her way but don’t be fooled…her love is stronger than any force known to man In the silence the mother weeps. 



That pain a constant dull ache now, but she has never let go of the cord. and will forever be at the other end, waiting-



By Debbie Stevens © 2007