by Debbie Stevens





TEENS BIG DREAMS, should be classified as a "guide", it serves so many purposes with step-by-step instructions for the reader to simply follow while offering simple plans to put each idea into action.

Sacha writes from his heart, and you "get it"!

I understood everything and found myself silently agreeing, his ideas/suggestions made perfect sense. We often make choices based on wrong decisions, whether it's a career or a relationship.

With "Teens Big Dreams", these type of situations can be averted early in life through preparation...." preparing ourselves as much as we can, we can make sure we build enough momentum to take-off towards our dreams" ('Runway'-Teens Big Dreams) as well as providing "tools" to assist if we need to "adjust" our mistakes to then enable success! (Chapter 10- 'Sweet Success')

There's a constant, positive element flowing through each paragraph, matched by a sincere desire by its author, to encourage while sharing. Wonderful!

Sacha's clarity of expression easily relays his ideas, covering aspects of life that are easily overlooked by the 'young"....he has a flair for "teaching", a wonderful gift which speaks volumes through each chapter.

Roger's Story:

Proved that anything, is possible, even when facing huge personal challenges. His journey from 'soccer to dance' a testament of diversity & proof if you have a goal, your dreams can come true!

"Teens Big Dreams" is cleverly presented & skillfully designed. If ever there was a book to recommend to a teenager, this would be it! I believe this book should be made available through the Department of Education, enabling each teen a chance to read.

Enjoy the journey!


Debbie Stevensİ

Deliberately Debbieİ